Bogoliubov Transformation Spin Wave

  1. Magnetic order without tetragonal-symmetry-breaking in iron arsenides.
  2. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics.
  3. Theoretical tools for spin models in magnetic systems.
  4. Bogoliubov transformation spin wave.
  5. PDF Pairing gaps in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with the Gogny D1S.
  6. Quantum mechanics - How can a Bogoliubov transformation be implemented.
  7. PDF The Bogoliubov-de Gennes and Andreev Equations: Andreev Reflection.
  8. Holstein-Primakoff transformation | owlapps.
  9. Magnon-phonon interaction in antiferromagnetic two-dimensional MXenes.
  10. Bogoliubov transformations and fermion condensates in lattice field.
  12. PDF Bogoliubov angle and visualization of particle-hole mixture in.
  13. PDF BEC of magnons and spin wave interactions in QAF.
  14. The symmetry, inferable from Bogoliubov transformation, between the.

Magnetic order without tetragonal-symmetry-breaking in iron arsenides.

PHYS598 A.J.Leggett Lecture 11 The Bogoliubov-de Gennes and Andreev Equations... 3 Let's first consider an even number of fermions at T= 0 and thus consider a single state of the system (which need however not necessarily be the ground state). As in lecture 5 we assume the general form of the wave function corresponds to the formation.

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics.

The objects of our study are webs in the geometry of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. We introduce two local invariants of divergence-free webs: a differential one, directly related to the curvature of the natural connection of a divergence-free 2-web introduced by S. Tabachnikov (1992), and a geometric one, inspired by the classical notion of planar 3-web holonomy defined by W. Blaschke and.

Theoretical tools for spin models in magnetic systems.

Spin-wave theory ~SWT! and the quantum Monte Carlo method ~QMC!, which is confirmed by Kolezhuket al.3 with the matrix product approach. It is also consistent with... Then the angle of the Bogoliubov transformation is ex-pressed in a compact form cosh2uk5 1 A12h2g k 2, sinh2uk5 uhgku 12h2g k 2, ~10! and the self-consistent equations read.

Bogoliubov transformation spin wave.

The Holstein-Primakoff transformation in quantum mechanics is a mapping to the spin operators from boson creation and annihilation operators, effectively truncating their infinite-dimensional Fock space to finite-dimensional subspaces.. One important aspect of quantum mechanics is the occurrence of—in general—non-commuting operators which represent observables, quantities that can be.

PDF Pairing gaps in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with the Gogny D1S.

The zero-temperature flow equations derived from the extension of the Bogoliubov transformation to order for the ground-state energy, the spin-wave velocity, and the staggered magnetization are solved exactly and yield results which are in agreement with those obtained by a perturbative treatment of the magnon interactions. May 04, 2022 · Light-induced thermal hysteresis and high-spin low-spin domain formation evidenced by optical microscopy in a spin-crossover single crystal Houcem Fourati, Mamadou Ndiaye, Mouhamadou Sy, Smail Triki, Guillaume Chastanet, Sébastien Pillet, and Kamel Boukheddaden Phys. Rev. B 105, 174436 (2022) – Published 31 May 2022 Show Abstract. Motivated by recent experiments on thin films of the ferromagnetic insulator yttrium-iron garnet (YIG), we have developed an efficient microscopic approach to calculate the spin-wave spectra of these systems. We model the experimentally relevant magnon band of YIG using an effective quantum Heisenberg model on a cubic lattice with ferromagnetic nearest neighbour exchange and long-range dipole.

Quantum mechanics - How can a Bogoliubov transformation be implemented.

Spin-wave in one dimensional antiferromagnet Let's now consider a practical physical system, namely, the spin wave in the one dimensional antiferromagnet, which supports effectively the Bosonic Bogoliubov quasiparticles and Lorentz SOC. For antiferromagnet in sold state physics, the lattice is usually divided into two sublattices, denoted A and. Using the variational approach for a trial wave function of a predetermined form and... (Bogoliubov-De Jennes transformation [9]) and in calculation of spin-wave excitation spectrum in antiferromagnets where also "dangerous" diagrams appear. [1] J. Bardeen, L. Cooper, and J. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 106, 162 (1957)..

PDF The Bogoliubov-de Gennes and Andreev Equations: Andreev Reflection.

In particular, this method has been used in studies of inhomogeneous superconductors where (u,v) parameters of the transformation depend on coordinates (Bogoliubov- De Jennes transformation [9]) and in calculation of spin-wave excitation spectrum in antiferromagnets where also "dangerous" diagrams appear. Out that the correlation dynamics of such systems can be understood in terms of spin-wave prop-agation, giving a simple physical explanation of the behaviour seen in a number of recent works.... the Fourier and Bogoliubov transformations are canon-ical (anti-commutation-relation-preserving) transforma-tions of the Majorana operators, they.

Holstein-Primakoff transformation | owlapps.

And " hole " modes in the Bogoliubov transformation results in.... Spin wave, the precession of magnetic order in magnetic materials, is a collective excitation that carries spin angular. TY - JOUR. T1 - Stark effects in rutile antiferromagnets. AU - Halley, J. Woods. PY - 1969. Y1 - 1969. N2 - We show that, as a consequence of the fact that the Bogoliubov transformation mixes spin waves on different sublattices, the phenomenological Loudon Hamiltonian describing the two spin-wave absorption in rutile antiferromagnets also predicts a linear Stark effect on the two spin-wave.

Magnon-phonon interaction in antiferromagnetic two-dimensional MXenes.

As there are "non-diagonal" terms, the idea is use Bogoliubov Transformation for make the hamiltonian a diagonal hamiltonian.... But for 2 differents bosons, the tranformation is: alpha_ {k} = cosh (theta_ {k}) a_ {k} - sinh (theta_ {k}) b*_ {k}, where b* is b-dagger ans this transformation is like "universal" because everyone use it.

Bogoliubov transformations and fermion condensates in lattice field.

In this paper, by considering Bogoliubov transformations between (real) massless spin-0-field modes propagating in a slowly-varying Schwarzschild-like solution, such as appears in Sec.2 of [3] for adiabatic modes. Such Vaidya-like approximate classical solutions will subsequently be treated in more detail [13]. Quantum dimer magnets, which consist of a weakly coupled network of \(S=1/2\) spin pairs, have been attracting attention as a prototypical example for studying novel phases of matter and quantum phase transitions. Spin-dimer materials such as TlCuCl 3 1 - 3) feature a non-magnetic gapped ground state, which is continuously connected to a direct product of spin-singlet states. In addition to the Bogoliubov mode, this superfluid phase has two spin excitations, namely, the gapless transverse spin wave and the quadrupolar mode with a finite excitation gap. In the mean-field theory at T=0, we examine how these collective modes tunnel through a barrier potential that couples to the local density of particles.


SSingular spin-wave theory and scattering continua in the cone state of Cs CuCl Andreas Kreisel, 1, 2. Michael Peter, and Peter Kopietz. 1, 3 Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Institut f¨ur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Frankfurt,Max-von-Laue Strasse 1, 60438 Frankfurt. In field theories, different configurations of the unobservable fields can result in identical observable quantities. A transformation from one such field configuration to another is called a gauge transformation; the lack of change in the measurable quantities, despite the field being transformed, is a property called gauge invariance. The connection between quadratic Hamiltonians, Bogoliubov transformations, and symplectic transformations is discussed in the Fock representation, and their relevance for squeezing operations in quantum optics is pointed out. The results for this rather general class of transformations are proved in a self‐contained fashion.

PDF Bogoliubov angle and visualization of particle-hole mixture in.

Surface Majorana fermions and bulk collective modes in super uid 3He-B YeJe Park,1, Suk Bum Chung,2,3,4 and Joseph Maciejko5,6 1Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA 2Center for Correlated Electron Systems, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 151-747, Korea 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea. In this paper we present a generalization of the SWT that allows for describing the low-energy modes of spin systems with arbitrary orderings (spontaneous or induced by external fields). The resulting method has been applied to several models (e.g., Refs. [ 1-7 ]). Around the z axis, the z component of the total spin S z¼ P iðS iA þS z iBÞ should be a good quantum number. By inserting the Holstein-Primakoff transformation into Sz, we obtain Sz ¼ P k S z ¼ P kð−a †a þb b Þ. Since Sz is diagonal in the Nambu basis, it commutes with the Hamiltonian ½Sz k;H¼ 0. By invoking the Bogoliubov.

PDF BEC of magnons and spin wave interactions in QAF.

In this chapter, the spin-wave formalism is presented for the ferromagnet and the antiferromagnet. The XY model is studied using a self-consistent harmonic approximation. The chapter is finished with a brief introduction to the Jordan-Wigner transformation and Majorana fermions. The symmetry between the creation of pairs of massless bosons or fermions by accelerated mirror in 1+1 space and the emission of single photons or scalar quanta by electric or scalar charge in 3+1 space is deepened in this paper. The relation of Bogoliubov coefficients with Fourier's components of current or charge density leads to the coicidence of the spin of any disturbances bilinear in.

The symmetry, inferable from Bogoliubov transformation, between the.

Dec 01, 2021 The Bogoliubov transformation is used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian analytically, that gives an expression of the spin wave spectrum k. From analyzing the behavior of the spectrum curve, we have found that relation between the pitch angle and the frustration parameter, i.e. = arccos 1 4 can be derived as a result of our analyses. Tunneling properties of Bogoliubov mode and spin wave modes in supercurrent states of a spin-1 ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate March 2011 Physical review A, Atomic, molecular, and.

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